Do yourself a favour and watch this entertaining explanation of this “juggernaut customer attraction program” to the end. The video is less than 9 minutes in length and it explains how you can attract an avalanche of new customers without lifting a finger!
I Want To Check If My Postcode Is Still Available
The Fuel For Less program is available via “a License format” where we give “postcode exclusivity” per business-type. So if you’re a bakery & you’ve secured the license for postcode 4230 for example, no other bakery in that postcode can gain a Fuel For Less license.

Learn Why Retailers Are Enjoying 30% to 40% Increases In Sales In Just The First Month!
The designer of this incredibly powerful customer attraction program is a former national marketing executive with the Woolworths organisation and he explains why fuel discounts are such a magnetic attraction for all demographics. Watch this video to discover how you can enjoy an avalanche of new customers!
Times Are Tough And It’s Getting Harder and Harder To Attract Customers, Isn’t It?
Price discounting has become rampant and therefore profit margins for many businesses have shrunk dramatically.
If you’re a business owner or manager, you know you need to look for the magic silver bullet, a marketing idea which distinguishes you from your competitors and stops you from the temptation of drastically dropping prices and losing margin.
Well here’s the best news you’ve ever heard – you can offer your clients unbelievable fuel discounts in return for buying your products or services – 10c, 20c, 50c and even $1 per litre discount – and it will only cost you a maximum of 10% of your sale price!
Perhaps hard to believe – but it’s true!
It’s a fact that fuel discounts work – they are a massive customer drawcard and that’s why the major supermarkets have exploited this promotional concept since 1996.
Once you hand-out the FFL Membership Cards, stand back & watch what happens!
As part of the FFL License, we provide you with your initial quantity of FFL Membership Cards.
The actual “credit card size” Membership Card comes as a “pop-out” component of a larger DL Carrier Card, which contains full details of the fuel discount program.
This means that your customers can easily read all the details of the program on the DL Carrier Card.
Make no mistake, this FFL Membership Card is a “customer magnet” – when you hand the cards out, watch your customers keep coming back with them!

Watch These Videos To See How ‘The Fuel Discount’ Promotion Has Helped These Business Owners Profit!

Why Are Fuel Discounts So Appealing?
Because fuel is a universally appealing bonus – everyone needs petrol for their car and everyone hates paying the exorbitant prices we see at the pump everyday.
More Popular Than Flybuys!
A recent Macquarie University study concluded that Supermarket Fuel Discount Dockets had achived a greater usage penetration in the Australian market than any other customer loyalty program! (In other words, the Fuel Discount Dockets are more popular than the Flybuys Program!)
So this is your chance to stand out from your competitors by launching an already proven promotional concept that has mass appeal across all demographics!

Choose The One That Best Suits Your Business.
For ‘Retail’

Attracts new customers & gets them coming back!
- Perfect for retail stores, particularly those that have customers purchasing goods or services on a regular basis.
- Fuel For Less can attract “new” customers & stimulate “loyalty” because the fuel discount is a reward linked to their expenditure.
- Think of the fuel discount program as simply providing “a discount” to your customers, but instead of cash, you’re providing it in the form of regular, ongoing “fuel discounts.”
- Each claim is limited to 50 litres.
- We provide you with an App for your iPad or iPhone – which allows you to scan Membership Cards & record purchases.

Hand-out as many Fuel For Less Membership Cards as you can (they’re a “magnet” for you!). Register your customer as a FFL Member via the App we give you for your iPad – this is the start of building an incredibly valuable database!

When customers make purchases, you simply record their expenditure with an iPad by scanning the barcode on their Membership Card. Remember, we give you an App for your iPad, so you can do this.

For every $50 spent, a customer gets 10c per litre fuel discount.
Customers don’t have to spend $50 in one visit – they can accumulate their expenditure over time.
Then, for every increment of $50 in their Fuel For Less account, they are entitled to 10c per litre fuel discount rebate from you.
So if they accumulate $100 expenditure, they get 20c per litre rebate, $150 means they get 30c per litre rebate – & so on.
Think of this program as simply a 10% discount, because that’s the maximum cost to you for every fuel Each spend of $50 = 10c per litre rebate x maximum of 50 litres = $5 (that’s just 10% of the $50 they’ve spent)
In other words, you’re simply offering a $5 discount on every “$50 spend” – but because it’s promoted as a “fuel discount rebate”, it’s immeasurably more appealing!
3Customers get their fuel from “any petrol station” & save their receipt – and guess what!! – They bring their fuel receipt & Membership Card BACK TO YOUR STORE for their cash rebate!! This creates “forced repetitive traffic” for your store!
(& they’ll most likely “spend” their cash rebate in your store, meaning that the “cost” of the fuel program for you will be closer to 5% of each sale!)
For ‘Big Ticket Item’ Businesses

Attracts customers via a “one-off” bonus gift!
- Suits businesses that sell “big ticket” products or services (such as whitegoods, furniture, motor vehicles, kitchen renovations, air-conditioning, computers, landscaping, travel or pest control).
- If this sounds like your business, you can offer an attractive LARGE FUEL DISCOUNT as an exciting “one-off” bonus that will clearly distinguish you from your competitors!
- Think of the fuel discount program as simply providing “a discount” to your customers, but instead of cash, you’re providing it in the form of “weekly fuel discounts” for a set period.
- Each claim is limited to 50 litres.

You simply determine what percentage of your “sale price” you want to devote to the fuel discount program (eg: 5%, 7.5% or 10%).
So if for example, you sold computers for $2,600, you might decide to devote 10% of this sale price to your “fuel rebate” – being $260.
When you tell us this, we’ll recommend the “per litre” discount level & the number of weeks of the benefit.
Using the example of the $2,600 computer in Point 1 above, you could offer “10c per litre each week for an entire year!” (10c x 50 litres = $5. Then that $5 x 52 weeks = $260)
See how “powerful” this “customer attraction system” is – because the customer sees the fuel discount of “10c per litre every week for an entire year” as being worth a fortune!
But in actual fact, it’s only costing you a maximum of $260!

When someone purchases your product or service, you automatically register them as a FFL Member via an app we provide. The customer immediately gets a Login that they use for claiming their cash rebates online.
You deposit the “fuel rebate” amount into our Fuel For Less “customer kitty” (ie: in the instance of this sample, $260).
The customer gets his/her fuel from any petrol station each week & saves the fuel receipt & photographs it with their smartphone.
He or she then simply goes to the FFL website & uses their personal Login to make their weekly rebate claim (by simply uploading a photo of their fuel receipt).
We then deposit the cash rebate direct into their bank account.

These butchers have enjoyed an incredible increase in sales in just the first few weeks! That’s how fast this customer attraction system works!
15% INCREASE! Sanctuary Point Butchery, Nowra. NSW |
25% INCREASE! Brassell Butchery, Ipswich. Qld |
30% INCREASE! Nambour Heights Butchery, Qld | |

Why are fuel discounts the hottest customer drawcard in the world?
Because fuel is a universally appealing bonus – everyone needs petrol for their car and everyone hates paying the exorbitant prices we see at the pump everyday.
The Fuel For Less program is available via “a License format” where we give “postcode exclusivity” per business-type. So if you’re a bakery & you’ve secured the license for postcode 4230 for example, no other bakery in that postcode can gain a Fuel For Less license.

A butcher increased his annual sales from$3 million to over $4 million because of this promotional program!
Wiggly Tail Butchery has 3 outlets in a regional country town in NSW – and has just enjoyed “an extra million dollars” in revenue due to the Fuel For Less program!
Owner, Kerry Buttsworth, has been battling the big supermarket chains for the past 20 years, as his stores are within a stone’s throw of a major supermarket.
In other words, Kerry’s butcheries are smack outside a 40 ton gorilla!
His only promotional option for the past 20 years has been to “discount his prices” – as the big supermarket chains, Woolworths and Coles, marketed meat for very keen prices and Kerry understandably felt he needed to match or beat them in this regard.

Then along came along our Fuel For Less customer attraction system – AND KERRY HAS SKYROCKETED HIS ANNUAL SALES FROM $3 MILLION TO OVER $4 MILLION!
He says “This is the most incredible sales juggernaut I have ever seen in over 25 years in business – it has completely revolutionised our butcheries. We used to market on price to keep up with Woolworths & Coles – not anymore. Price is not an issue, as the fuel discount program takes our customers’ eyes off the price & onto the value-add bonus. The program has had an unbelievable effect right across the board. Firstly, it has attracted new customers who have swapped from other butchers or the big supermarkets.

Secondly, our average unit sale has gone up from $24 to $34, so our customers are spending more to enjoy bigger fuel savings. Thirdly, we now have a massive database of over 10,000 email addresses & mobile numbers, allowing us to send marketing messages to our list regularly.
And because the membership card is scanned with each purchase, we now have a record of the purchase patterns of all our Fuel For Less members. This means we can customise our SMS & email messages to suit a customer’s purchasing habits, hitting them with offers when we know they’re ready to buy!!
And of course, our customers are now far more loyal, because the more they spend with us, the more fuel discounts they get!

No doubt about it, Fuel For Less has been a complete game-changer for us & we reckon we could double our $1 million increase in the next 12 months – that’s how confident we are about this sensational program.
This thing is a license to print money & speaking of licenses, we’re so glad to have the exclusive license for the program in our postcodes.”

Watch This ‘Wiggly Tail’ TV Commercial
Kerry’s butcheries are in a regional town & therefore he is able to advertise on TV for a relatively cost-effective rate. We advised Kerry to feature commentary from happy customers in his TV ad, as “personal endorsements” are a mighty persuasive marketing tool.

Listen To Wiggly Tail’s Radio Advertisements

Wiggly Tail Butchery Collected A Database Of Over 10,000 People – Who Can Now Be Marketed To Via SMS & Email! You Can Enjoy The Same Massive Benefit!
Kerry Buttsworth now enjoys being able to promote his products and the fuel discount program directly to his most profitable customers.
Why? Because the Fuel For Less program has helped him to already collect a 10,000 strong database.
It costs him nothing to email offers to the entire list and just a few cents per text message.
This is what’s called “message to market match” – and every business owner would give their eye teeth to be in such an enviable position!
Imagine if you had some stock you needed to move in a hurry – easy, just email or text an offer to your database!
With the Fuel For Less program, you’ll be able to collect a valuable list, enabling you to build rapport and customer loyalty.
Amazon, eBay, the airlines & other large companies are exploiting the value of their databases every day.
Now it’s your turn if you decide that this “fuel discount phenomena” is a suitable customer attraction devise for your business!

See how Kerry made
an extra million dollars!
Watch the short video below to see “how” Kerry actually executed this phenomenal promotion.
See how it works
at store level!
Kerry shows you how easy it is to run the concept in store. The capturing of your customer transaction amount takes just seconds.
The Marketing Material That We Supplied To Kerry

DL Flyer
Wiggly Tail Butchery used DL size letterbox brochures to promote the program (A4 folded to 6 x DL pages).

Enjoy Postcode Exclusivity!

When you take out a ‘Fuel For Less’ License, you enjoy the comfort of knowing you will be the only licensee for your business-type in your postcode.
Think about this for a moment – it’s a massive advantage for you over your competitors.
It would be like Woolworths being able to stop Coles from running the same fuel discount promotion!
So if you’re a bakery, liquor store, cafe, newsagency, hair salon or any other type of retail business, you can grab the licence for this remarkable sales machine EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUR POSTCODE – & therefore shut the door on any of your competitors doing likewise!
Now that’s a HUGE ADVANTAGE over your competition!
The Fuel For Less program is available via “a License format” where we give “postcode exclusivity” per business-type. So if you’re a bakery & you’ve secured the license for postcode 4230 for example, no other bakery in that postcode can gain a Fuel For Less license.
When You Get The Fuel For Less License, You Get Access To The Complete “Advertising Swipe File!”
We’ve thought of everything when it comes to making things easy for you with this promotional program.
You don’t have to worry about “how” to advertise the program – we’ve created a “Swipe File” of marketing resources for you to use.
You get a complete webpage to use, this page detailing “how” the program works & even featuring an explanatory video.
(You should promote this domain address on all your communications, so that your customers know where to go for more information)
So basically the webpage we give you becomes your website – & you drive traffic to it via your advertising.
There’s also templates for press ads, a letterbox brochure, radio ads, TV commercials, direct mail letter, media release & much more. The idea is for you to simply choose from this smorgasbord of advertising options & don’t even think about lifting a finger! We’ve done all the hard yards for you!
View a Full Description Of What You Get In The “Swipe File”
As you can see this is an amazing offer, so get in quick before your opposition do. We only have one license per business type, per postcode!
The Fuel For Less program is available via “a License format” where we give “postcode exclusivity” per business-type. So if you’re a bakery & you’ve secured the license for postcode 4230 for example, no other bakery in that postcode can gain a Fuel For Less license.